Onsale Times

Titled “INSPIRATIONS,” the 30th anniversary Honey Jam concert promises to spotlight extraordinary diverse talent and will be a dynamic evening of music that spans several genres including Hip Hop, Jazz, Pop, Gospel, Opera, RnB, Rock, Country, Dancehall and more!

Role modeling and mentoring are central to Honey Jam’s mission of inspiring new generations of artists, and in tandem with the concert theme, featured vocalists will perform songs by the icons who have inspired them.

Proceeds from ticket sales will help to support the non-profit programme which provides mentoring, educational, performance and networking opportunities to emerging artists. It is a welcoming, supportive sisterhood and a safe space for young women to not only learn about the industry but also to be vulnerable, to build self esteem and long-lasting relationships. (see honeyjam.com and @thehoneyjam).

See information below about the Community Ticket Sponsorship Campaign and stay tuned for exciting line-up announcements!

Community Ticket Sponsorship Drive
Honey Jam will be sharing this beautiful experience at the majestic Massey Hall with students in music programs, youth from community groups and emerging artists from across the city. You can support this program by purchasing tickets to be distributed by Honey Jam through the community.

To purchase tickets to be distributed within the community, Click here. Online ticket limit is 8 tickets. For purchases larger than 8, please can the Massey Hall box office at 416-872-4255. Thank you for your generosity.