Donovan Woods
with special guests Charlotte Cornfield and BillianneDonovan Woods
Onsale Times
Massey Hall presents
Throughout his distinguished career, Donovan Woods has built a devoted following who cling to the acclaimed songwriter’s every word. Never one to mince words, Woods is one of music’s most vulnerable storytellers and on his forthcoming studio album, Donovan takes that a step further. Honest and unflinching, on Things Were Never Good If They’re Not Good Now, his upcoming seventh studio album, Woods takes a long look inside and isn’t necessarily thrilled with what he sees. For an artist who isn’t afraid to bear his soul, this is as emotionally gritty as he has ever been.
Long known as a masterful storyteller, Woods is at his absolute best on Things Were Never Good If They’re Not Good Now. Across the album’s 12 sparse, intimate songs, Woods finds himself reflecting on the ups and downs he has been through since 2020. His writing allowed him to open up and address the complexities of life that he has been going through.
Donovan Woods has partnered with PLUS1 so that $1 per ticket goes to supporting The Unison Fund and their work to provide counseling and emergency relief services to the Canadian music community.
Ticket Info
Meet & Greet Package - $224.50 + fees
With the Participation of the Government of Canada